This coming-to-age movie explores the story of a group of boys who have always been academically focussed and ended up in one of the best prep-school destined to go to Ivy leagues later. But in this school, they came in touch with a lively professor, who is very unorthodox with his teaching method and tries to fun in learning.

Having an english class in the warm meadow so that you can appreciate nature while reading about it, this movie gives us a sneak of perfection and, in this moment of realization, urges everyone to live life at its fullest. Carpe-diem


  • Upon the death of Robin Williams in 2014, the famous line “O Captain! My Captain!” was used by many media outlets in his obituaries.
  • Robin Williams considered this movie one of his favorite films he did
  • Director Peter Weir chose to shoot the film in chronological order to better capture the development of the relationships between the boys and their growing respect for Mr. Keating.


  • Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary
  • O Captain! My Captain!
  • But only in their dreams can men be truly free. ‘Twas always thus, and always thus will be.

Thanks for reading ❤